There are temporary shelter services provided for teens from the ages 12-17. There are also organizations called TeenCare, and the National Runaway Swtichboard. The National Runaway Swtichboard is located in Chicago. It's main goal is to keep runaway teens from the streets and in safe care. The Family and Youth provide their funding services bureau. There are also Youh & shelter Homeless centers that teach homeless Youth individual skills so that they can live independantly and support themseleves. It is mainly for older youth as a last resort because it is not funded by the government. They go out every night and locate teens. They have an outreach center that provides meals and other services. There are also services available for teens who runaway such as job oppurtunities, college, and safe places to live.
The only law written about runaway teens is that you cannot be a provider for a run away teen. If you see a teen with a back pack who is a runaway, you cannot take him or her home and give them food, a place ot stay, and support. You have to report them to the police or else you will get charged and perhaps arrested for harbboring a teen.
(google Image)
"Des Moines." Youth & Shelter Services, Inc. - Iowa. Web. 06 Jan. 2011. <>.
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